Sinopsis KL Gangster
KL Gangster mengisahkan dua beradik yang terlibat dalam dunia gangster. Malek (Aaron Aziz) abang yang lebih tua meringkuk dalam penjara selama 5 tahun selepas dikhianati geng nya sendiri yang dimulakan oleh Shark (Syamsul), adik tiri kepada gangster paling berpengaruh di Kuala Lumpur, King (Ridzuan Hashim).Malek yang menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa terpaksa masuk semula ke dunia gangster selepas adiknya Jai (Adyputra) terpengaruh dengan gangster dan bekerja untuk Shark.
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Senario The Movie Ops Pocot mengisahkan tentang 3 lelaki yang berlainan. Masing-masing mempunyai karakter yang pasif dan sentiasa ditindas oleh orang sekeliling mereka. Azli seorang pemuda yang masih bujang dan bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatandi sebuah pasaraya. Azli seorang yang mudah penat danmudah tertidur dalam apa keadaan sekalipun. Mazlan seorang pemuda yang penakut dan bekerja di sebuah syarikat swasta. Beliau selalu dibuli oleh rakan sekerjanya malah sejak kecil lagi dia menjadi mangsa buli rakan-rakannya.Wahid pula seorang yang pendiam dan bekerja di sebuah agensi membekalkan pekerja-pekerja asing. Sikap mereka itu memebuatkan ketua mereka mengambil langkah memasukkan mereka ke kem motivasi yang dikendalikan oleh Ikatan Relawan Malaysia (RELA).
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Selama ini, ARMAN percaya bahawa dirinya merupakan seorang pengidap autisme. Namun realiti sebenarnya bakal berubah dalam sekelip mata, ketika dirinya semakin menghampiri hari perkahwinannya. Untuk sebab yang tidak diketahuinya, Arman mendapat mimpi yang menyuruhnya agar tidak meneruskan perkahwinan dengan FARINA. Hubungan Arman dan Farina juga semakin bermasalah. Malah, dalam satu salah faham, Farina telah bergaduh dengan Arman dan meninggalkannya seorang diri di tepi jalan. Dalam perjalanan pulang itu, Arman hampir menjadi mangsa ragut samseng. Mujurlah, AMY, seorang kanak-kanak kecil yang berada di situ, memekik dengan kuat, dan sekaligus memaksa menyelamatkan Arman. Sungguhpun Amy hanya berusia 5 tahun, Arman dapati kanak-kanak itu amat pintar dan berdikari sekali, malah lebih pintar dan berdikari berbanding dirinya sendiri. Persahabatan terbentuk di antara mereka, dan Arman banyak berkongsi masalah dan pengalaman dengan Amy. Berdasarkan pengalaman hidupnya sendiri, Amy memberikan banyak idea dan nasihat kepada Arman. Apabila Arman menyatakan rasa ragu-ragunya untuk meneruskan perkahwinan, Amy mencadangkan kepada Arman agar bertanya beberapa siri soalan kepada Farina dan juga ahli keluarganya. Secara beransur-ansur, Farina dan ibu Arman mula merasai perubahan Arman. Dalam masa yang sama, ibu Amy sendiri, iaitu SHIELA, turut merasai perubahan yang berlaku pada Amy. Amy nampak lebih ceria berbanding dahulu. Shiela merasakan dirinya terhutang budi pada HARIS, si duda baik hati, yang sanggup menjaga Amy ketika Shiela pergi bekerja sebagai kerani pada waktu siangnya. Sebagai balasannya, Shiela akan membantu Haris membasuh pinggan mangkuk di warungnya selepas waktu kerjanya itu. Selama ini, Haris sememangnya jatuh hati pada Shiela, tetapi Shiela cuba berdalih kerana dia sendiri sedang terkurung dalam sejarah hitam yang tidak diketahui sesiapa, termasuk Haris. Ibu bapa Haris di kampung sudah bertemu calon isteri yang sesuai untuk Haris. Apabila wanita itu bertindak datang berjumpa Haris di Kuala Lumpur, Shiela tahu bahawa sudah tiba masanya untuk dia membuat keputusan. Amy amat sukakan Haris dan mahu Shiela bersetuju sahaja dengan perkahwinan itu. Demi anaknya itu, Shiela akhirnya bersetuju menerima lamaran Haris. Segalanya sepatutnya menggembirakan, namun, dalam sekelip mata, hidup Shiela juga bagaikan berubah, apabila dia bertemu Amy bersama Arman. Pengarah Hashim Rejab Lakonan Shaheizy Sam,Lisa Surihani,Mia Sara Nasuha,Bront Palarae,Kartina Aziz,Shasha,Zul Handyblack,Ana Dahlia dan Bob Lokman Tarikh Tayangan – 30 Jun 2011
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Kung Fu Panda 2[2011]
IMDB Rating : 7/10
Release Date : 26 May 2011(USA)
Duration : 91 min Language : English
Catagories: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Writer : Jonathan Aibel, Glenn BergerJennifer Yuh
Cast : Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Dustin Hoffman
Filming Location :
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Synopsis Of Kung Fu Panda 2
*********************CONTAINS SPOILERS*********************** From the studio that brought you "Shrek," "Madagascar" and "Kung Fu Panda." Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five – Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey. But Po’s awesome new life is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. It is up to Po and The Furious Five to journey across China to face this threat and vanquish it. But how can Po stop a weapon that can stop kung fu? He must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed. Long ago, Lord Shen (Gary Oldman), heir of the peacock clan that ruled Gongmen City in China, sought to harness the power of fireworks as a weapon with which to rule the entire country. When he learned from the court’s goat soothsayer (Michelle Yeoh) that "a warrior of black and white" would one day defeat him, Shen assumed she was referring to the giant pandas and had them exterminated to avert the prophecy. Shen’s parents were horrified at this atrocity and exiled Shen, who swore revenge. Thirty years later, Po (Jack Black) is living his dream as the Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, the Furious Five, but is told by Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) that he has yet to achieve inner peace. While fighting off a pack of wolf bandits who have been stealing refined metal for Lord Shen, Po is distracted by a symbol on the head wolf’s (Danny McBride) armor, which causes Po to have a flashback of his mother and allows the wolves to escape. Po asks his goose father, Mr. Ping (James Hong), where he came from, but all Ping can tell him is that he found Po as an infant in a radish crate and adopted him. Afterward, Shifu receives word that Master Thundering Rhino (Victor Garber), leader of the kung fu council protecting Gongmen City, has been killed by Lord Shen with his newly developed weapon, a cannon, which threatens to destroy kung fu tradition. Po and the Five go to stop him, reaching Gongmen City to find it under the control of Shen’s forces. The heroes find two imprisoned council members, Masters Storming Ox (Dennis Haysbert) and Croc (Jean-Claude Van Damme), and ask their help to liberate the city, but both masters cite their helplessness against Shen’s weapon and refuse to escape. Po and the Five are then discovered by the wolf leader, who they chase to prevent him from alerting Shen, only to be captured. Upon being brought before Shen in his tower, Po and the Five free themselves and destroy Shen’s cannon. However, Crane burns his wing and Po is again distracted by a flashback upon seeing the same symbol as before on Shen’s plumage, allowing Shen to escape and destroy the tower with an arsenal of cannons. After escaping, Tigress (Angelina Jolie) confronts Po over his distraction. Po explains that he remembers Shen’s presence on the night he was separated from his parents, and wants to question Shen about his past. Though empathetic, Tigress orders him to stay behind for his own safety. Po regardless breaks into Shen’s cannon factory to confront Shen, inadvertently foiling the Five’s attempts to destroy the factory. Shen claims that Po’s parents abandoned him before he blasts Po out of the factory and captures the Five. Po is rescued by Shen’s soothsayer, who has been exiled by Shen to the ruined village where Po was born. Guided by the soothsayer to embrace his past, Po remembers that his parents had endangered themselves to save him from Shen’s forces, his mother hiding him in a crate before she was subdued. Attaining inner peace, Po returns to Gongmen City to save the captive Five from being executed by Shen at the city harbor. During the ensuing battle (in which Shifu participates after having persuaded Ox and Croc to do the same), Po uses his inner peace to gauge Shen’s cannon fire and redirect it against Shen’s armada. He then urges Shen to let go of his own past, but Shen refuses and attacks Po until Shen inadvertently slashes the ropes holding up his last cannon, which falls and crushes him to death. Victorious, Po returns to the Valley of Peace and reunites with Mr. Ping, declaring him to be his father. At the same time, Po’s biological father (Fred Tatasciore) is shown to be alive in a hidden village inhabited by surviving pandas, sensing that his son is also alive Filesonic Wupload
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